Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Iphigenie en parapente/Paragliding Effie

A few days in Morzine with Mamie Bordas for some nice skiing, and paragliding.
Thank you so much! Augustin enjoyed it too, but refused to jump at the last second... It'll be for next time!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ogmore by sea

Stephane is alone with the two elder ones. We spent 4 hours on the beach yesterday! As usual, a lot of fun, day dreaming at the sound of the waves.

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Ogmore beach

Ogmore beach CF32, 30mn from home
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Saturday, February 23, 2008


De tout temps, l'Homme (par Homme, nous entendons ici le bipede commun qui, le samedi venu s'arme d'une eponge et...

s'ervertue a tenter desesperement de faire disparaitre les moindres traces....

de salete' qui maculent son fidele destrier...

Et ils commencent tot a s'entrainer!!! :)
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